Monday, August 31, 2009


I feel lonely. No one has made a comment. I’m not even sure anyone is reading this stuff. Oh well, I certainly was not lonely at Woodstock.

Someone asked me the other day if all the people at Woodstock were durggies. My answer was not. The media stayed were there were druggies. And there were probably many drugs in camp sites. However the official estimation by a doctor who was doing research there said he thought maybe 10% were on drugs, and less than 1% on hard drugs.

That doesn’t sound like much, but 10% of 500,000 are still 50,000 people on drugs. That’s a lot, but there were a majority not high on drugs. Whoops, I forgot alcohol? Don’t know how many were drinking wine and beer. A lot, I think. I know several people gave me a glass of wine. I also saw festival goers handing beer to our “Peace Corps” (police). I also watched as these policemen (Peace Corps) hand out cigarettes to those they had been beating on the heads in New York City less than a month before.

I got a contact high walking through the Drug Store one night. I needed it!

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